星河长明电视剧Ingmar Bergman's The Serpent's Egg follows a week in the life of Abel Rosenberg, an out-of-work American circus acrobat living in poverty-stricken Berlin following Germany's defeat in World War...
电视剧幸福请你等等我Several young girls were killed. Policeman Matthaei travels to the region where it happened and searches a child that looks similar to the ones that were murdered. He finds one and stays wit...
世界各国突然出现黄金大量流失的现象,而黄金的黑市交易却十分兴盛。英国情报部怀疑世界巨富金手指参与了黑市黄金交易,他在日内瓦拥有一座大银行,各国都有大量黄金储备在那里。007邦德(肖恩?康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)开始展开对金手指的调查。 邦德一路跟踪金手指到了日内瓦,发现了他往外运黄金的秘密,他通过用黄金造车身的方法重熔得到金块。邦德被金手指的手下发现了,他们抓住了邦德。邦德在意外中...
1910年,“飞行器”是那个时代风行一时的事物。然而正因为它刚刚诞生,一切还处于起步阶段。英国每日邮报主编劳德·罗恩斯(罗伯特·莫利 Robert Morley饰)策划组织了一场从伦敦飞往巴黎的竞赛。而这次竞赛的目的,就是为了彰显英国种族的优越。如果一切都按照预期发展,不出所料的,他的女婿理查德·梅斯(詹姆斯·福克斯 James Fox饰)将赢得比赛。竞赛的新闻一经发出,就得到了来自世界各地飞行器...
Wiesbaden. La polizia criminale è in allarme per una serie di delitti misteriosi che hanno come punto in comune l'albergo Luxor. L'opinione pubblica vede negli avvenimenti la mano dello scompa...
世界各国突然出现黄金大量流失的现象,而黄金的黑市交易却十分兴盛。英国情报部怀疑世界巨富金手指参与了黑市黄金交易,他在日内瓦拥有一座大银行,各国都有大量黄金储备在那里。007邦德(肖恩?康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)开始展开对金手指的调查。 邦德一路跟踪金手指到了日内瓦,发现了他往外运黄金的秘密,他通过用黄金造车身的方法重熔得到金块。邦德被金手指的手下发现了,他们抓住了邦德。邦德在意外中...
Updated version of the Agatha Christie book "And Then There Were None. In this version, the group is invited, under false pretenses, to an isolated hotel in the Iranian desert. After dinner, a ca...