In his Scottish New Town home, gangling Gregory and his school-friends are starting to find out about girls. He fancies Dorothy, not least because she has got into the football team - and is a better ...
弗格森的自传电影《Sir Alex Ferguson: Never Give In》将于5月27日在英国戏院上映,然后在5月29日在 Amazon Prime上架。这套由弗格森次子Jason Ferguson执导的电影,纪录了弗格森的一生,而电影的副题是,指出弗格森由出生地加文区(Govan)到他成为伟大领队的一生,相信一众曼联迷会相当期待泰山2...
在查尔斯·李·雷伊将灵魂注入公仔十年后,他当年的女友蒂芬妮(珍妮佛·提莉 Jennifer Tilly 饰)多年不懈寻找他的下落,终于买通警察将玩偶“楚其”的残体带出,蒂芬妮凭借不熟练的伏都仪式,将缝合的楚其再次唤醒。然而觉醒的楚其对蒂芬妮并无爱意,伤心的蒂芬妮将楚其禁锢,不想却被楚其把她的灵魂移入了另一个女玩偶的体内。两个玩偶要恢复人类身体,就必须找到埋藏在查尔斯·李·雷伊坟墓中的护身符。于是他...
A rookie drag queen, reeling from a break-up, escapes to the country, where he finds his grandmother in steep decline yet desperate to avoid the local nursing home盾之勇者成名录在线观看...