In a tiny rural village in Argentina, Rita Lopez, a pious yet insatiably competitive woman, discovers that staging a miracle could be her ticket to sainthood劣等阵容...
Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set in a scary land called Argentina – Pablo Parés and Daniel de la Vega worked for a US company ...
水浒后传电视剧Late sixteenth century. A Tameme Indian man and a noble Spanish woman flee through the forests of the New World in search of freedom. Their frantic journey softens the tension between them and ...
故事发生在风景如诗如画的阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利夺命鲨滩。卡洛斯(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 饰)是一名剧作家,因为创作过几个成功的剧本而拥有着不小的名气。卡洛斯和妻子西西莉亚(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰)结婚多年,两人之间的感情一直十分恩爱。西西莉亚是一名记者,在业内小有名气,她和卡洛斯一直被朋友们视为一对金童玉女,十分相配。 然而某一日,因为所撰写的新闻...
山姆·克拉弗林、薇洛妮卡·恩切圭([信任])加盟天空影业的浪漫爱情轻喜剧[恋爱小说](Book of Love,暂译美食的俘虏动漫。该片由阿纳莱纳·卡尔·迈尔([鱼味男孩])执导,David Quantick操刀剧本。故事讲述一位年轻保守的英国作家亨利(克拉弗林饰),他原本写了一部失败的小说,却在墨西哥意外大受欢迎,亨利还被邀请去当地宣传,很快,他发现了原因,这本小说的西班牙语翻译玛丽亚(恩切圭饰...