皮囊第六季Diana, a young woman who lost her sight, finds a guide in a Chinese boy named Chin. Together they will track down a dangerous killer th rough the darkness of Italy....
Unlike most people, Melody cannot walk or talk, but she is smarter than most of the adults who try to diagnose her. Her classmates dismiss her as mentally challenged but Melody refuses to be defined b...
九岁的小男孩米歇尔(乔瑟培·克里斯提亚诺 Giuseppe Cristiano饰)一日在玩耍的时候,无意间发现了地穴里的一个秘猫头鹰王国守卫者传奇。他惊讶的发现在这口地穴中囚禁着一个与他年纪相仿的金发男孩菲利普(马悌亚·狄·皮耶 Mattia Di Pierro饰),他被铁铐牢牢地锁着,弱小而无助。被震惊了的米歇尔立刻逃回家中,然而在好奇心的驱使下,他又一次前往地穴。他们都是用童话与想像化解着内心...