Isaac Newton - brilliant rational mathematician or master of the occult? This innovative biography reveals Newton as both a hermit and a tyrant, a heretic and an alchemist. Magical images mix with act...
Recounts the true-life, previously secret, back-channel negotiations in the development of the pivotal 1990s Oslo Peace Accords between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization. 影片叙述了以色列和巴勒...
至尊无上2永霸天下Adaś, a young, lonely and generally unhappy small-town policeman, who is in love with Wanessa. But she ignores him, just like pretty much everyone else....
夺命鲨滩In a monastery cult off from the world, the monks run a clinic for the possessed. One day, a young policeman Marek comes to the convent. Posing as a clergyman, he penetrates monastic life and trie...
一种可怕而又残酷的病毒席卷了整个世界,导致地球上99.9%的人类都不复存在,不仅如此,这些死去的人们还变异成为了嗜血残暴的行尸走肉,威胁着生下的0.1%的人类的生命,整个世界都陷入了混乱之那年花开月正圆免费 电视剧在线观看。故事开始于英国的一个避难所,幸运的活下来的人们聚集在这里,艰难的维系着仅存的秩序和安全地带,其中包括马多克斯(菲利普·布罗迪 Philip Brodie 饰)、丽安(艾利克斯·...