惊情四百年电影After attempting to trick someone already down on their luck in order to win a workplace competition, a telemarketer with the gift of gab will find out whether he can talk his way out of a host...
艾德金(克里斯·派恩 Chris Pine 饰)是一名吟游诗人,在一次盗宝行动中,他的贪婪导致了妻子的死亡。之后,野蛮人霍尔盖(米歇尔·罗德里格兹 Michelle Rodriguez 饰)出现在了颓废的艾德金身边,和他共同抚养女儿琪拉(克洛伊·科尔曼 Chloe Coleman 饰)。 琪拉长大之后,艾德金、霍尔盖带着琪拉和她的舅舅福奇(休·格兰特 Hugh Grant 饰)等人组成了一支盗...
塞博坦星内战如火如荼,在危机时刻,擎天柱将大黄蜂派往地球,等待重新建立基地的时机。此后,大黄蜂降落在1987年的加州,谁知不仅先遭到特工杰克·伯恩斯(约翰·塞纳 John Cena 饰)的围捕,更被尾随而来的霸天虎成员殴至重伤,失去了声音的同时还丧失了记忆。另一方面,正 在叛逆期的少女查莉·沃特森(海莉·斯坦菲尔德 Hailee Steinfeld 饰)阴差阳错得到了变形成大众甲壳虫的大黄蜂,双方...
Hugo Llor, a 12-year-old boy who spends most of his time on the streets. His day is also spent in the shipyards and his dream is to become a shipbuilding craftsman, although his fate is uncertain. H...