故事发生在十七世纪的法国,安娜(安吉拉·兰斯伯瑞 Angela Lansbury 饰)在误打误撞之中将国王(弗兰克·摩根 Frank Morgan 饰)送给她的珠宝转赠给了自己的情人白金汉公爵。大臣黎塞留发现了此事,将其当成施展自己野心的大好机会。 平凡的小伙达达尼昂(吉恩·凯利 Gene Kelly 饰)一心想要加入国王的火枪队,在一场意外中,他结识了三位火枪手阿索斯(凡·赫夫林 Van H...
夏有乔木 雅望天堂 电影On a rainy night in 1928 in a Pennsylvania factory town called Iverstown, Martha Ivers (Janis Wilson), thirteen years old, is trying to escape from the guardianship of her wealthy, dominee...
茫茫西部,一个路经农场的过客肖恩(艾伦·拉德 Alan Ladd 饰)引起了主人斯塔雷特一家的警圣人大盗。原来当地恶徒雷克一伙为了吞并自耕农的土地,不停骚扰斯塔雷特等居民,男主人乔·斯塔雷特弄清了肖恩的身份后,将美丽的妻子玛利亚和儿子乔伊介绍给对方,并邀请肖恩留在自己的农场帮忙。肖恩入住小镇不久,就在镇上的酒馆遭到了雷克一伙的折辱,自耕农们不愿放弃辛劳工作换来的家园,集合商讨对付雷克的办法,最终却...
至尊无上2永霸天下After being found wandering the streets of Los Angeles, a severely catatonic woman tells a doctor the complex story of how she wound up there....
Sophie loved Edmund, but he left town when her parents forced her to marry wealthy Octavius. Years later, Edmund returns with his son, William. Sophie's daughter, Marguerite, and William fall in l...
When Susan Gilvray reports a prowler outside her house police officer Webb Garwood investigates and sparks fly. If only her husband wasn't in the way住在我身体里的那个家伙...