故事发生在一座位于波罗的海边上的小镇之中,时值盛夏,小镇上的一切都被包裹在蒸腾的热浪之中,几欲蒸聊斋艳谭国语版。在这里,十八岁的高中男生克里斯蒂安(约纳斯·奈伊 Jonas Nay 饰)遇见了新来的英语老师斯黛拉(茱莉亚·克斯奇兹 Julia Koschitz 饰),尽管年龄和身份都有着巨大的差异,但两颗孤独的心还是随着时间的流逝一点一点的靠近着。 在这样一座小镇上,任何的感情都逃不过众人的眼睛...
盾之勇者成名录在线观看Vlad has just moved and joined one of the most famous magical schools in the world, where he meets fairies, witches, trolls and dwarfs. Him and his father are the first vampires in town, bu...
我愿意电视剧A graduate of the Offenbach College of Design, Piotr J. Lewandowski has made his directorial debut with JONATHAN (working-title) based on an award-winning screenplay. The moving drama about fami...